Do I want a Bouquet or an Arrangement?

We get asked all the time — what is the big difference between a bouquet or an arrangement?

The difference in the two options is simple — a bouquet comes without a vase or vessel.

All bouquets designed by The Flower Shop florists will be wrapped in tissue and kraft paper for protection with the stems exposed so the bouquet can be easily placed in water upon receipt.

All arrangements designed at The Flower Shop will be given a vase or vessel that highlights the design created for the recipient. There will be no concern of the florals possibly drying out or needing a vase upon receipt. The recipient of the arrangement can simply place them wherever they like and enjoy the designs as they flourish within the space. They can also bring their vase or vessel back to us for a new design whenever the old design needs an update or replenishment.

Please note that the cost of the vase or vessel will be deducted from the overall budget attributed to the arrangement purchase. For more information feel free to call, email, or text us. To order, you can also call, email, or text us as well as shop online.